Eviction Protection
Info + Resources
Having trouble paying your rent?
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, improving housing stability has been a major focus of the unions of the Texas Gulf Coast Area Labor Federation. No one should lose their home during a pandemic, and we will continue to advocate for rent and mortgage relief for working people across the Gulf Coast.
Read more on our Tenant Advocacy efforts.
What can you do if you can’t pay your rent?
Talk to your landlord if you can’t pay rent. Be sure to keep a record of any conversations you have.
A notice to vacate, and even an eviction hearing, does not mean you have to leave.
Apply for aid to help pay back rent if it is available in your area.
Houston-Harris County Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Go to houstonharrishelp.org or call 211
Brazoria County Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Go to brazoriacountytx.gov/departments/emergency-rental-assistance-program
Brazos County Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Go to brazoscountytx.gov/600/Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Progra
Fort Bend County Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Go to fortbend-era.powerappsportals.us/
Do not self-vacate before contacting a tenant rights attorney. If you need help, call the Eviction Defense Coalition Hotline: 713-982-7340
Other Legal Aid providers:
Houston Volunteer Lawyers www.makejusticehappen.org (713) 228-0735
Lone Star Legal Aid www.lonestarlegal.org (713) 652-0077
South Texas College of Law Clinic www.stcl.edu/academics/legal-clinics/contact-us (832) 554-6544
Earl Carl Institute www.tsulaw.edu/centers/ECI/apply_for_legal_services.html (713) 313-7275
University of Houston Clinical Programs (713) 743-2094
Share This Information
If you are not at risk for eviction yourself then the most important thing you can do is share this information. Thousands of tenants have been evicted from their household because they didn’t know their rights under the moratorium. If you need this information in different languages, see this document.