For candidates
seeeking our endorsement
How does our endorsement process work?
We offer one day candidate academies to help candidates learn more about our labor policy agenda. This includes a Labor 101 overview of unions, presentations by local labor leaders on the work they do, and an opportunity to get a better sense of the policies that empower working families on the job and in our communities.
We don’t offer a labor candidate academy in every election season. If one is offered, you will receive an invitation via email after you file to run for office.
In order to be considered for a labor endorsement, you must submit a completed questionnaire and resume. Our questionnaires are drafted to be specific to each race we endorse in, and are used by union delegates to evaluate candidate backgrounds and determine whether or not they align with labor values and goals.
Questionnaires are emailed to candidates individually. If you would like to request a questionnaire, fill out the form below.
In partisan elections for state and federal offices, we email an invitation to seek our endorsement to every candidate who files for office, regardless of party affiliation. We are a non-partisan organization, and endorse candidates based on their demonstrated commitment to working people.
All candidates who seek our endorsement must screen with our Committee on Political Education (COPE). This is a committee of delegates from our 95 affiliated unions. The committee will ask questions to better understand your positions on various issues that impact working people and the strength of your campaign plans.
The COPE committee will also evaluate your campaign materials to ensure you are showing your commitment to working people through your campaign’s use of union printers who pay fair wages and empower workers on the jobs.
After conducting screenings of candidates, the COPE committee votes to make recommendations. These recommendations are then submitted for approval at the monthly meeting of our union delegates. No endorsements are official until approved by a vote of the delegates from our 95 affiliated unions.
For candidates running for state and federal races, our endorsements are recommendations until approved by the statewide union delegates of the Texas AFL-CIO at the bi-annual COPE convention.
If you have any questions about our endorsement process, contact political director Jay Malone at

We endorse candidates who fight for working people.
If you are running for office and are interested in seeking our endorsement, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with more information.
For more information, email