Executive Board

The Texas Gulf Coast Area Labor Federation is a democratic, worker-run organization. It is governed by union delegates and an Executive Board. The ALF’s Executive Board consists of representatives of unions large and small in a variety of industries, county-based Labor Assemblies, and constituency groups. Officers and at-large members are elected to two-year terms by the delegate body.

Lacy Wolf,

Business Manager of
Insulators Union Local 22

Hany Khalil,  Executive Director

Hany Khalil,
Executive Director

Andy Dewey,  Secretary TreasurerExecutive Vice President of Houston Federation of Teachers

Andy Dewey,
Secretary Treasurer

Executive Vice President of
Houston Federation of Teachers

Donny Mayo

IBEW Local 66

Joe Zavala

Seafarers Gulf Coast

Mary Groves


Brian WilcoxIAFF Local 341

Brian Wilcox

IAFF Local 341

Jeff LaBroski Tidelands Labor Assembly

Jeff LaBroski

Tidelands Labor Assembly

Eloy Cortez

Galveston Labor Assembly

Paul Puente Houston Gulf Coast Building and Construction Trades Council

Paul Puente

Houston Gulf Coast Building and Construction Trades Council

Jackie AndersonHarris County Labor Assembly

Jackie Anderson

Harris County Labor Assembly

Jennifer Hernandez


Wayne LordUA Plumbers Local 68

Wayne Lord

UA Plumbers Local 68

Roy SanchezAFSCME/HOPE Local 123

Roy Sanchez


Raul De LeonTWU Local 260

Raul De Leon

TWU Local 260

Charlie SingletaryIUOE Local 564

Charlie Singletary

IUOE Local 564

Robert MeleTeamsters Local 988

Robert Mele

Teamsters Local 988

Lee MedleyUSW Local 13-1

Lee Medley

USW Local 13-1

Cheryl Eliano AFGE District 10

Cheryl Eliano

AFGE District 10